Statement from Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre on Imamat Day 

Ottawa, ON – The Hon. Pierre Poilievre, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the Official Opposition, released the following statement on Imamat Day: 

“Today, in over 25 countries worldwide, more than 12 million Ismaili Muslims celebrate the succession of His Highness Mawlānā Hazar Imam as the Aga Khan – the 49th hereditary spiritual leader of their faith. 

“With gratitude, Ismaili Muslims reflect on their belief in God’s provision of the Aga Khan, who has guided their community for the past 66 years. As the Imam of the Time, his Highness has been a steadfast champion of Ismailis, working to uplift others, champion pluralism, and spread the message of hope and peace central to their faith.  

“On Imamat Day, Canadians join with all Ismailis to honour the Aga Khan’s many achievements and his contributions to advancing freedom and democracy around the world. We celebrate with the thousands of Ismaili Muslims in Canada who have been blessed by his leadership and continue to be a source of life and light in their communities every day. 

“On behalf of the Conservative Party of Canada, Happy Imamat Day! Khushiali Mubarak!” 

Les conservateurs de gros bon sens demandent à la ministre des Pêches d’écouter les pêcheurs de harengs

Les conservateurs de gros bon sens demandent à la ministre des Pêches d’écouter les pêcheurs de harengs

Grand Falls — Windsor, T.-N. — Clifford Small, député de Coast of Bays-Central-Notre Dame et ministre du Cabinet fantôme conservateur responsable des Pêches, des Océans et de la Garde côtière canadienne ; Rick Perkins, député de South Shore-St. Margarets et ministre du Cabinet fantôme conservateur responsable de l’Innovation, des Sciences et de l’Industrie ; John Williamson, député de New Brunswick Sud-Ouest ; et Chris d’Entremont, député de Nova-Ouest, ont fait la déclaration suivante sur la récente réduction du total autorisé des captures (TAC) de hareng dans le sud-ouest de la Nouvelle-Écosse et dans la baie de Fundy :

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Common Sense Conservatives Call For The Minister Of Fisheries To Listen To The Harvesters Of The Herring Fishery

Common Sense Conservatives Call For The Minister Of Fisheries To Listen To The Harvesters Of The Herring Fishery

Grand Falls – Windsor, NL – Clifford Small, MP for Coast of Bays-Central-Notre Dame and Shadow Minister for Fisheries, Oceans and The Canadian Coast Guard; Rick Perkins, MP for South Shore-St. Margarets and Shadow Minister for Innovation, Science and Industry; John Williamson, MP for New Brunswick Southwest; and Chris d’Entremont, MP for West Nova, released the following statement on the recent reduction of the herring Total Allowable Catch (TAC) in Southwestern Nova Scotia and the Bay of Fundy:

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