Auditor General Shows ArriveCan Corruption Cost Canadians At Least $60 Million

Ottawa, ON – After eight years of Justin Trudeau, his Liberal Government is not worth the cost and is not worth the corruption. While Canadians can’t afford groceries and are struggling to pay their rent, Trudeau took $60 million of your money and wasted it on the ArriveScam app.

This was confirmed today through the Auditor General’s report into this fiasco. The report showed clearly that millions of dollars of taxpayer money was wasted by Trudeau Government officials who rigged the contracting process for their friends.

Common Sense Conservatives warned Trudeau not to go ahead with this app, but he decided to do it anyway. The results of this decision have been disastrous: ArriveCan was originally budgeted for $80,000 but ended up costing Canadians at least $60 million, which is 750 times over budget. Even when it was operational, it mistakenly forced 10,000 Canadians into quarantine.

On top of this, the well-connected two-person IT firm GC Strategies was awarded $19 million through contracts nobody else applied for. This is because GC Strategies was allowed to create the requirements for this contract, and made it so no one else fit the requirements. Trudeau Government officials were even invited to whiskey tastings and other luxurious treats from the very contractors that they were paying your money to.

Justin Trudeau’s Liberals have desperately tried to stop this information from coming to light. On November 2, 2022, the Conservative Party passed a motion through the House of Commons requesting this report despite stiff Liberal opposition. It is now easy to see why they wanted this evidence of corruption hidden.

Last week, the Liberals with their NDP coalition partners voted to shut down further committee work on the ArriveCan scam, saying that documentation they had seen was “scary”.

While the Liberals continue to block investigations into their corruption, Conservatives will use every measure possible to bring home accountability for Canadians’ tax dollars. Canadians deserve a Common Sense Conservative government that will slash the waste and end the corruption.

Les conservateurs de gros bon sens demandent à la ministre des Pêches d’écouter les pêcheurs de harengs

Les conservateurs de gros bon sens demandent à la ministre des Pêches d’écouter les pêcheurs de harengs

Grand Falls — Windsor, T.-N. — Clifford Small, député de Coast of Bays-Central-Notre Dame et ministre du Cabinet fantôme conservateur responsable des Pêches, des Océans et de la Garde côtière canadienne ; Rick Perkins, député de South Shore-St. Margarets et ministre du Cabinet fantôme conservateur responsable de l’Innovation, des Sciences et de l’Industrie ; John Williamson, député de New Brunswick Sud-Ouest ; et Chris d’Entremont, député de Nova-Ouest, ont fait la déclaration suivante sur la récente réduction du total autorisé des captures (TAC) de hareng dans le sud-ouest de la Nouvelle-Écosse et dans la baie de Fundy :

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Common Sense Conservatives Call For The Minister Of Fisheries To Listen To The Harvesters Of The Herring Fishery

Common Sense Conservatives Call For The Minister Of Fisheries To Listen To The Harvesters Of The Herring Fishery

Grand Falls – Windsor, NL – Clifford Small, MP for Coast of Bays-Central-Notre Dame and Shadow Minister for Fisheries, Oceans and The Canadian Coast Guard; Rick Perkins, MP for South Shore-St. Margarets and Shadow Minister for Innovation, Science and Industry; John Williamson, MP for New Brunswick Southwest; and Chris d’Entremont, MP for West Nova, released the following statement on the recent reduction of the herring Total Allowable Catch (TAC) in Southwestern Nova Scotia and the Bay of Fundy:

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