Statement From Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre On The Situation In Bangladesh

Ottawa, ON – The Hon. Pierre Poilievre, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the Official Opposition, released the following statement:

“Conservatives stand with the people of Bangladesh during this difficult time. We are very concerned about the hundreds killed and thousands injured during student-led protests and horrified by the subsequent violence against religious minorities, including Hindus and Christians, who are being senselessly targeted by violent mobs.

“We condemn the violations of human rights by the authorities in Bangladesh and condemn all instances of violence against innocent and peaceful people.

“We call for the restoration of democracy and the rule of law, ensuring all Bengalis are protected and enjoy equal citizenship. We call for justice for the murdered and the persecuted, and an end to the violence against Bangladesh’s religious minorities.

“During this time of transition in government, we call for calm and stability and stand with all Canadian Bengalis whose families and loved ones face danger and uncertainty. “Conservatives will continue to advocate for democracy, freedom, human rights and the rule of law.”

Carbon Tax Carney Must Testify On His Conflicts of Interest

Carbon Tax Carney Must Testify On His Conflicts of Interest

Ottawa, ON – After nine years of the NDP-Liberal Government, taxes are up, costs are up, crime is up and time is up. But instead of giving Canadians a chance to vote in a carbon tax election, Trudeau has appointed Carbon Tax Carney as his phantom finance minister who will make life even more expensive for everyone.

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Trudeau a une semaine pour se conformer au vote et remettre à la GRC les documents relatifs à la caisse noire du Fonds vert

Trudeau a une semaine pour se conformer au vote et remettre à la GRC les documents relatifs à la caisse noire du Fonds vert

Ottawa (Ontario) — Après neuf ans, Justin Trudeau n’en vaut pas la corruption. Cela n’a jamais été aussi clair après que le gouvernement libéral a refusé de déposer des documents au Parlement pour que la GRC puisse enquêter sur la corruption de sa caisse noire du Fonds vert, alors même qu’une majorité des députés à la Chambre des communes a voté pour obliger les libéraux à les rendre publics.

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